Thursday 30 May 2019

blood test show not tell

What did you say? Nnnnno! I've already had a blood test, why do I need another one!

The nurse has a touch drawer with all her pointy needles and tubes to suck up all your liquidy red blood.
I felt my insides were screaming out to me “help”!
My saliva was gulping down my throat like a stampede of rhinos. The telephone was silently ringing in the background hmm every species could they be blood sucking vampires?Nah if I was 5 I could believe that.

The nurse I got was really sketchy , she wore long plastic neon orange gloves, she kept on itching her head for some odd reason.

Also what I found really strange was she keeps on itching her nose or was she? Dan dan daaan!

Monday 20 May 2019

i wonder?...

Image result for poppy white background              I Wonder...
Who drew the map wrong?
No one knows...
Why did world war 1 start?
There were many reasons why
What did they eat?
Bully beef , (tinned corned beef), rice, jam, cocoa, tea, some bread

Who ordered the attack on gallipoli?
Winston Churchill

Who won ww1
The turks won WW1

Image result for poppies transparent background

Sunday 19 May 2019


Flip flop crunch crunch, I stroll with my sandals and go on the boiling hot sand.
“Aww ahh aww ahh” who knew sand could be that hot.

The wet sand is nice but it’s not enough!
The rest of my body is boiling!
Even in some places I didn’t know could be hot.

It's time to put my togs on.
First I dip my feet in.
I can already smell salt.
No I'm just going to go for it.
I've been suffering too long.

Ahhhh much better.

Summer is my flavour.


Homesick , starvation
Strugalling , rescuing , risking
Gun fire everywhere you go

War , pian , sadness
Bleeding , panicking , missing

Living in dirty trenches

slinky malinki


Slinky malinki the cat blacker than black with a kink at the end of his tail , cheeky and cheerful in the dat but when darkness strikes and lightness fade slinky malinki , and his friendly sly will go away.

At night his adventurous wherever he goes , cushiony crawling through neighbors hall ways and ball ways , because at night slinky malinki is know more cheeky and cheerful he is now sneaky and a rascal.
He slid into the  darkness once he sees what he wants he will take it in a jiffy.
Slinky malinki puts everything in one place , since he stole bad things are coming his way.
He slips he turns and before you know it his owners are coming his way why he is tangled with all the stuff he stole.

With all his guilt and embarrassment he returns what he stole.
Says sorry to all those nice souls.

simpson and his donky

He was he most respected and admired of all the ANZAC  heroes they called them the bravest and his name is jack simpson.
Simpson was born in 1892.
From a young age he’s loved donkeys.
Simpson went to war when he was 22 and died at the age of 22.

On the 25th of April 1915 jack simpson was apart of the ANZACS , and he landed at the wrong beach along with his fellow soldiers , this was known as ANZAC cove.
As soon as he landed jack was already saving lives. He was carrying injured soldiers to the beach hospitel.
Simpson saved over 300 lives.
One day simpson came across a donkey  his name was duffy.
The trusty donkey was so helpful carrying injured soldiers back to the beach hospital.
Simpson sadly died on the 19th of may 1915 by a machine gun bullet in his back.
All the diggers knew him for one of the many bravest soldiers.

Lest we forget